Pioneer Valley Fern Society

4H Forest Fern Walk

4H Forest Fern Walk

Sunday, June 11, 2023, 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm
Leverett, MA

We will walk along the trails of this Leverett Conservation Area, identifying 20 or more of our native ferns, including the 10 most common and others such as Maidenhair, Narrow Beech, Ebony Spleenwort and Silvery Glade Fern. Lovely wetlands and some wildflowers along the way.

Be prepared for possible mud, poison ivy and ticks. Trails are dirt with some narrow foot bridges in muddy areas.

Parking lot is off Shutesbury Road, a short distance from Leverett Pond. See poster for detailed directions.

4H Fern Walk 061123 poster (2023-06-04 at 8:40 PM)