Fern Hike 2-4pm this Sunday Sept 12th
Based on feedback and comments from our last double hike in Gill, we have prioritized the ferns we will spend time on Sunday. Since most of you are familiar with the common ferns in our area, this will be more of an advanced class. We will focus on the less common special ones found at this wonderful site. I have added a document to the downloads/fern walk lists from walks section of the website which lists all the ferns we are likely to see at this site, but have listed in bold the ones we are going to focus on. We can identify the other ones in passing, but stop and really look at the special ones. Hope this entices you to attend!
See previous calendar listing for details on location and parking. Be prepared for mud and some possibly wet conditions, insects, and possible poison ivy (not bad).
We are looking forward to sharing these cool ferns with you! Photo is of bulbet fern, which we only see at a few of our sites.
Janice & Randy
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