Pioneer Valley Fern Society

Spring is coming!

Evergreen Wood Fern showing signs of Spring

We all know Spring is coming, with some recent warm temperatures, but more snow and cold are coming too. There are signs of Spring to be found among the ferns, and we are pleased when we find them. Randy took this photo of Evergreen Wood Fern (Dryopteris intermedia) last week on Mt Toby. The new fiddleheads are starting to form, in those brown shapes in the center of the cluster. I call them "knuckles" since I can't find any term for them, but there must be one. Very early fiddlehead structures. Some time in April the forms we know as fiddleheads or croziers will emerge. Until then, keep looking for these and other signs of Spring!

Posted: to PV Fern News on Mon, Feb 21, 2022
Updated: Mon, Feb 21, 2022