Pioneer Valley Fern Society

More Fiddleheads are arriving!

Rusty Woodsia Tiny Fiddleheads

Randy and I have been out searching for the next Fern Fiddleheads to show themselves. We had a bonus day Friday, when we went to a very sunny spot on Mt. Toby and checked the Blunt Lobe and Rusty Woodsias. Both had their first very tiny fiddleheads.

The Rusty Woodsia pictured here (Woodsia ilvensis) has sterile fronds that are only several inches high when grown, and right now most of them are gone. The fronds break off evenly in the late fall, and you can see some of the old stems (stipes) in the photo. The fiddleheads are smaller than a pea. It took some doing for Randy to find them on the steep rocky slope, and to take this photo.

The Blunt Lobe Woodsias were highlighted recently with their early "crowns", which have now developed into fiddleheads as well.

Posted: to PV Fern News on Sun, Mar 27, 2022
Updated: Sun, Mar 27, 2022