Sunday April 24th at Mt Toby Waterfall
The Fiddleheads are coming, and we are ready to start the new Fern Walk Season!
Our first public hike will be Sunday April 24th from 1-3 PM at the Mt. Toby Waterfall area in Leverett. It is a wonderful place for ferns and wildflowers. The next Fern Walk after that will be our Mother's Day Ferns & Wildlflowers Walk on Sunday May 8th from 1-3 PM at Chard Pond in Sunderland.
Just this week I saw new fiddleheads of Royal, Christmas, Cinnamon, Common Polypody, Sensitive, Ostrich and Lady Ferns. Fragile and Bulblet ferns are growing fronds as well as fiddleheads now. These are all in places that we know are early for Spring ferns and flowers, but it will be happening all over soon. The photo with this news article is of the first Christmas Fern fiddleheads I have seen this season, taken Wednesday April 13th. They will grow even more beautiful as they grow upward. Be on the lookout for them!
We will be adding events to the Calendar on the website as we work them out.
Posted: to PV Fern News on Fri, Apr 15, 2022
Updated: Fri, Apr 15, 2022