New Fertile Fronds Before They Unfold
The Ostrich ferns are beautiful in all seasons, but they are especially wonderful when their new fertile fronds are braided before unfolding, like these. This photo was taken by Randy on July 27th of this year, at the Mt Toby Waterfall site.
This is also a reminder in case you do not get our emails, that the Fern Walk for this Sunday, August 21st has been changed to be at the 4H Forest in Leverett, rather than the Tower Rd at Mt. Toby as originally planned. The ferns are in much better condition at the 4H Forest, and alot are very dried out along the Tower Rd. Same time, 1-3PM.
Check the calendar on our website for info on directions. There were 21 ferns when we checked this weekend, including nice close examples of Crested and Boott's. Also Maidenhair, Narrow Beech, Dissected Grape, Ebony Spleenwort...