Pioneer Valley Fern Society

Fern Walk this Sunday at North Mountain Rd, Sunderland

September 11th, 1-3 PM

The summer is winding down, and the drought has done a lot of damage to the ferns and other plants, but we aren't ready to call it quits yet! The recent rain will hopefully help revive some of the ferns and other plants. Our end of summer fern walk is this Sunday, September 11th 1-3 PM at North Mountain Rd in Sunderland. The west side of Mt. Toby, and generally an easy walk on a old woods road.

There are over 20 different ferns along North Mountain Rd, so even if some have dried out, there are others in the wetter spots or more evergreen which will be there to enjoy.

For details on directions, see the Calendar listing and poster.

You may be wondering what kind of fern could this attached photo be... I was going to tie it in by telling you it is a clubmoss, and that clubmosses are fern allies (they are still listed in most fern guides as such). But after discussions with a few people and reading a chapter on it in Robbin Moran's "A Natural HIstory of Ferns", apparently the consensus is that clubmosses and ferns are not that closely related. I still used the photo because it is an attractive new clubmoss which Randy & I had not seen before last week. It is called Northern Bog clubmoss (Lycopodiella inundata). Isn't it beautiful? There is always more to learn!