Ghost Ferns are out there waiting for you!
There are a few different ferns that tend to hold their form even as they fade from life. At this time of year I like to call them ghost ferns because of their ghostly white color. New York ferns are probably the most common, and sometimes Hay-scented or Bracken. The fern pictured here is less commonly seen, but I find really attractive. This is a Massachusetts Fern (Parathelypteris simulata), typically found in wetlands with lots of sphagnum moss and usually Cinnamon ferns. The sori or fruit dots are visible on this photo of the underside of the frond.
We hope you all have a Happy Halloween, and look forward to our hike the day after Thanksgiving!
Janice & Randy
Posted: to PV Fern News on Sun, Oct 30, 2022
Updated: Sun, Oct 30, 2022