Schedule of PVFS Fern Walks 2016
Updated June 12, 2016
Free & Open to the Public unless stated otherwise
Date Time Place & Directions
June 19th 2 PM Scarborough Brook Conservation Area, Belchertown
Participants will meet at the parking area by the pond. This
area can be reached by driving up Gulf Rd. until just before you reach
house #475 Gulf Rd. Brief introduction followed by trails walk to
see & identify over a dozen ferns common to our area.
June 26th 2 PM 4H Forest, Leverett Conservation Area off Shutesbury Rd
Meet at parking lot 0.5 miles east from Leverett Town Hall on
Shutesbury Rd, just west of Doolittle Brook. Brief introduction
followed by trails walk identifying over a dozen common ferns.
July 9th 9 AM Rain Date, if needed, for June 19th Belchertown fern walk
July 23rd 10 AM Montague Rd Shutesbury fern walk (sponsor-Spear Library)
Starts with short ppt on 10 Easy Ferns at the Spear Library on
Shutesbury town common. Then drive to old cemetery on Leverett
Rd, and cross road, walk down Montague Rd 1.5 miles.
August 14th 1-5 PM Fern Identification and Ecology for Conservationists &
Gardeners (MACC workshop at Fruitlands Museum, Harvard MA.
Cost: $40 members/$55 non-members). Indoor introduction to
“10 Easy Ferns”, and then walk on trails to see & identify 15 ferns.
102 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard MA.
Attached Files:
Posted: to PV Fern News on Sun, Jun 12, 2016
Updated: Sun, Feb 5, 2017