Sunday July 23rd 1-3pm
This Sunday July 23rd from 1-3pm is our free public fern walk of the month. We are fortunate to have a beautiful weekend! What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than hiking with friends in the woods along this cove of the Connecticut River in Gill? There are 20 different species of ferns out there waiting for us as well!
The photo with this news article is a close up of Bulblet Fern (Cystopteris bulbifera), showing some of the bulblets along with their sori or fruit dots. It is usually found on moist, mossy ledges and rock faces. There are some patches of them at Barton Cove, including a few close enough to touch and look at closely. Also maidenhair and ebony spleenworts, and fragile, walking, marsh and maidenhair ferns, among others.
Hope to see you there! See poster attached to calendar listing for directions. Barton Cove is right off Rte 2 in Gill. We are meeting in the public parking lot near the picnic tables, north of the campgrounds and the private club (Scheutzen Verein, 55 Barton Cove Rd).
Posted: to PV Fern News on Sat, Jul 22, 2023
Updated: Sat, Jul 22, 2023