Pioneer Valley Fern Society

Fern Hike tomorrow!

Highland Park, Greenfield MA

A reminder that we are having a Fern Hike tomorrow (Sunday September 17) from 1-3PM at Highland Park in Greenfield MA. Higland Park has a number of interesting and common ferns and is a popular place for walkers, hikers and rock climbers. We will see about 20 ferns, depending on the route we take. One of my favorites is the Ebony Spleenwort (Asplenium platyneuron), shown in the attached photo. We tend to find them in dry old fields, rocky areas and very old cemetery stone walls. There is a nice patch of them in a rocky area at Highland Park, always photogenic. The tall upright fronds are the fertile ones with lovely dense brown sori on the back. The sterile fronds are short and form a rosette close to the ground.

This is definitely a Fern Hike rather than just a Fern Walk. We will be on trails, but some parts are relatively steep with uneven ground. We may go a litle off trail in a few spots, but those who don't feel comfortable with some portions can stay on the trail and we will reunite.

See the Calendar listing for more info. We are meeting at the parking lot near HIghland Pond in the park.

Directions: At intersection of Main & High Streets in Greenfield, turn onto Crescent St, & then on to Highland Ave. Stay left on to Highland Park Rd, past tennis courts, then left onto Parkway St to parking lot below Highland Pond.

Posted: to PV Fern News on Sat, Sep 16, 2023
Updated: Sat, Sep 16, 2023