Sunday April 28th 1-3 PM
Ferns, Fiddleheads and Spring Flowers are all developing quickly now. An exciting time of year to be outside! Our First Fern Walk of the Season will be 1-3 PM this Sunday April 28th at the Mt Toby Waterfall site off Rt 63 in Leverett. This photo shows a little of what the site is like, lots of Ferns and Flowers. In the photo are two Red Trilliums, surrounded by Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides). In the foreground and upper background are their evergreen fronds, with the new silvery fiddleheads unfurling behind the trillium flowers.
I attach a poster to this news article with the details on location and parking. The same poster is attached to the Calendar event description. Parking has become more difficult, but you can park just off Montague Rd, a short distance Northeast of the waterfall parking lot entrance. We will try to put up some signage to help. We are meeting at the parking lot on the west side of Rt 63. It is just north of a small old cemetery, if you are looking for features to help you find it. This site is worth the bit of hassle for parking.
Hoping the weather will be okay for our start to the season. Looking forward to seeing you all again!
Attached File:
Posted: to PV Fern News on Fri, Apr 26, 2024
Updated: Fri, Apr 26, 2024