Pioneer Valley Fern Society

Wet & Dry Ferns this Sunday July 29th

Hello all,

Hope you can join us for a different type of fern walk this Sunday July 29th from 2-5pm. We will be going to two sites, to see very different ferns not commonly seen in this area. The first site is a forested wetland in Whately, just a short walk from the commuter parking lot on Rt 5 just north of exit 24 off Rt 91. There we will see VA and Netted Chain Ferns and MA fern. Then we will drive a little ways to Sunderland, to see ebony spleenwort and Rusty and Blunt-lobed Woodsias in a dry rocky site. The hike up a trail for the second site is a bit steep in sections, but not too long.

We will meet at the communter parking lot just south of the Irving Gas Station and Circle K convenience store. GPS address is 421 State Rd, South Deerfield. If you are coming on Rt 116 from Sunderland, you will come to Rt 5 and the light, and can see the parking lot across the road.

Wear appropriate footwear for the hike at the second site. Rain cancels.

See you Sunday!

Janice & Randy Stone

Posted: to PV Fern News on Tue, Jul 24, 2018
Updated: Tue, Jul 24, 2018