Pioneer Valley Fern Society

Mother’s Day Fern & Wildflower Hike

Fern & Wildlflower Hike at Chard Pond Sunday May 12, 2019

Enjoy seeing & identifying many ferns and spring wildflowers.

Uneven & muddy ground in some areas. Columbine, toothwort, trillium, maidenhair spleenwort, fragile fern, ostrich fern & more. Moderate level hike.

Directions: Meet at Chard Pond, on Falls Road at intersection with Gunn Cross Road, 1 mile north of intersection with Rt. 47, north of Sunderland Center.

Pre-registration not required. Rain cancels. Free.

We will post any cancellation on this website by noon.

Posted: to PV Fern News on Sat, May 11, 2019
Updated: Sat, May 11, 2019