Pioneer Valley Fern Society

New photos of unusual ferns from 2019 season

Take a look at the "New Ferns this Season" pdf to see 8 unusual-less common ferns Randy & I have seen this season during our fern forays looking for new sites and new ferns. Some of these are new discoveries, some a visit to make sure they are still there.

Thanks to Rob Cairl for showing us one of these which we had not seen anywhere on Mt. Toby or area before. We loved seeing it!

If you have some unusual fern photos from the Pioneer Valley area, email them to us with a little description of where found and when.

Check out the calendar for our Black Friday Tree & Winter Fern Hike at Mt. Toby on November 29th!

Thanks to all who came on our walks this season, it was great to see you and share the time.

Janice & Randy

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