Pioneer Valley Fern Society

Fall Ferns

Blunt-lobed Woodsias

Randy & I recently revisited a favorite spot off Bull Hill Rd in Sunderland where the Woodsias grow. There are two kinds growing there, Blunt-lobed and Rusty. We have showcased the Rusty Woodsias before, but it is the Blunt-lobed Woodsias that stand out now among the leaves. Both grow on the rocky slopes and ledges on this part of Mt. Toby.

The Chadde guide (Northeast Ferns) describes Blunt-lobed as "nearly evergreen". The sterile fronds "decline", but remain green through the winter. When we visited them, the older fronds had turned brown but were still present, and many vibrant green new fronds were coming up, encouraged by the recent rain and warm weather.

The Blunt-lobed Woodsias are the most common and largest Woodsia in our area (Cobb/Farnsworth/Lowe). They often grow next to Ebony Spleenworts, which have upright dark green fronds that also stand out now from the brown fall leaves surrounding them.

There are still ferns to be found this late in the fall. Hope you have a chance to get out and enjoy them!

Posted: to PV Fern News on Fri, Nov 27, 2020
Updated: Fri, Nov 27, 2020