Pioneer Valley Fern Society

Start of new Ferning Season!

First results from Chard Pond-New Fiddleheads!

First Fiddleheads, Fragile Fern

Hello all fellow fern enthusiasts!

So far it is still okay to go outside (keeping your social distancing), so why not start your fern season? Besides those ferns that last through the winter, we have now seen Fragile Fern fiddleheads and new plants in Sunderland and Amherst. If a photo shows up on this email it is from Chard Pond.

If you want a challenge, check out the two new pages of Chard Pond fern photos I just uploaded to our website under Files and Presentations, and tried to attach to this email (I think it would only take one page). Can you find them at the site? The hardest is probably the ebony spleenwort, but the rest should not be too bad... Many of you have been on our Chard Pond fern walk in the past so you know the route we usually take. If you want some hints, email us! Treat it like a scavenger hunt if you like. Times are desperate!

It is not looking good for being able to hold our first fern walk of the season at the Mt. Toby Waterfall on April 26th , but we will wait until closer to the date to decide for sure. We will try to provide you with a little fern news each week on what we have seen on our own. We would love to have you send us photos of the new ferns and fiddleheads you see, esp. if you can identify what they are (but you can stil send them and we will try to figure it out from your photos!). Maybe you will see some different ferns before we do! It would help to take a close up and a little furhter back photo showing setting, and a little description of the location.

Our email address is

Hope you are all well and getting by.

Janice & Randy Stone

Attached File:

Posted: to PV Fern News on Wed, Apr 1, 2020
Updated: Wed, Apr 1, 2020