Latest PV Fern News
We post these short fern articles a few times a month. You can subscribe by email, here.
Virginia Chain Ferns
Ebony Spleenwort
Maidenhair Spleenwort & Fragile Fern
Blunt-Lobe Woodsia & Ebony Spleenwort
Dissected Grape Ferns
Tall Beech Ferns
Broad Beech Ferns
Pisgah Mountain Rd, Gill
Netted Chain Ferns
Silvery Spleenwort
Grape Ferns are starting!
Tower Rd to Cranberry Pond & back
23 Ferns
Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary, Wales MA 1-3pm
Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary, Monson MA 1-3pm
Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary, Monson MA 1-3pm
Red Lady Fern with Fiddlehead
Interrupted Ferns
Narrow-Leaved Glade Fern
Chard Pond Sunday May 12th 1-3 PM
Sunday April 28th 1-3 PM
Ostrich Fern
Bulblet Fern
Marginal Wood Fern
Rusty Woodsia
Fragile Ferns First of the Season
One-cone Ground Pine
Prickly Tree Clubmoss
New Dissected Grape Fern Emerging Already!
Crested Fern #6
Maidenhair Spleenwort #5
Walking Fern #4
Evergreen & Marginal Wood Ferns #2 & 3
4H Forest, Leverett MA, 1-3PM
Start of the Winter Ferns series 2023-2024 #1
Nature's Beauty
Unusual Christmas Ferns
Mountain Spleenwort
Cut-leaved Polypody still growing & healthy
Final show for Narrow Leaved Glade Fern
Ghost Ferns are out there waiting for you!
Hay Scented Ferns in Fall
Leathery Grape Ferns
Spinulose Wood Ferns fading
There is always more to look for!
Goldie's & Narrow Glade Ferns
Highland Park, Greenfield MA
Grape Ferns are the Stars of the Show!
More Interesting than you may think!
Ruggles Pond, Wendell MA
Ruggles Pond, Wendell MA
Cryptogramma stelleri
Sunday July 23rd 1-3pm
Mountain Wood Fern
Miss Slosson’s Wood Fern
Great excuse for a hike!
Lots of great Ferns to be out looking for
Sunday June 11th 1-3PM
Update on Taxonomy
The Moonworts are Emerging!
Sunday May 14th 1-3PM
Fiddleheads are developing quickly now!
Lots of Ferns & Flowers and no Rain!
Mt Toby Waterfall, Leverett MA 1-3pm
Mt Toby Waterfall, Leverett MA
Maidenhair Spleenwort Fiddleheads!
First Fern Walk April 30th at Mt Toby
Rattlesnake Fern starting to emerge.
Fragile Ferns have opened into Fronds
Blunt-lobe Woodsia
Fragile Ferns start the season.
#10 Dissected Grape Fern
#8 & 9 Common & Appalachian Polypodies
#7 Purple-stem Cliffbrake
#6 Ebony Spleenwort
#5 Maidenhair Spleenwort
#4 Climbing Fern
#3 Crested Fern
#2 Wall Rue
a better photo of the unusual Christmas Fern
Chard Pond, Sunderland MA
#1 Christmas Fern
Mountain Spleenwort
Cancelled for Today
Friday November 25th 1-3PM
Ghost Ferns are out there waiting for you!
Unusual growth form this year
Ripley Rd, Montague MA
Triple Sporophores on a Dissected Grape Fern
Leathery Grape Fern
September 11th, 1-3 PM
23 beautiful ferns
New Fertile Fronds Before They Unfold
Fertile Bracken Fern leaflets
August 21st 1-3 PM
Native Plant Trust Workshop
New growth as the old fades away.
Sunday July 10 1-3PM
Another fern to be on the lookout for!
Two fern walk options on Sunday June 19th
Chard Pond, Sunderland 1-3PM
Mt Toby Waterfall, Leverett MA
Sunday April 24th at Mt Toby Waterfall
Bulblet Ferns are next.
Rusty Woodsia Tiny Fiddleheads
Fragile Ferns start the season.
Ostrich ferns
Beginning signs of Fiddleheads
#6 WalkingFern
Evergreen Wood Fern showing signs of Spring
#5 Marginal Wood Fern
#4 Evergreen Wood Fern
#3 Appalachian Polypody
#2 Common Polypody
#1 Christmas Fern
Not too late to find some different ferns
Saturday November 27th 12-3pm
Mt Toby Forest, November 26, 1-3PM
Dissected Grape Ferns still beautiful
Ghost ferns are out there waiting for you!
New PVFS hats now available.
Amherst College land, off College St
Fern Hike 2-4pm this Sunday Sept 12th
Cady’s Falls Botanical Garden
Two for one Gill Fern Walk rescheduled to Sunday August 29th
Bearsden Forest Conservation Area, Athol MA
Bearsden Forest Conservation Area, Athol MA
Cut-leaved polypody found in Shutesbury!
Three events in July now on calendar
Chard Pond Ferns & Wildflowers 1-3pm
Chard Pond, Sunderland
Next fern walk May 9th
Mt Toby Waterfall, Leverett MA
First Fern Walk rain date Sunday May 2nd
Join us for a Covid-careful fern walk
Numerous fern fiddleheads are coming up now.
Blue Ground Cedar or Deep Root Creeping Cedar
Fragile Fern, Amherst
Shining Fir Moss
Southern Ground Cedar or Fan Clubmoss
Running or Wolf’s Claw Clubmoss, new photo
Running or Wolf’s Claw Clubmoss
Tree Clubmoss
Grape Fern in snow
Wall Rue a special find
Purple-stem Cliffbrake
Blunt-lobed Woodsias
Climbing Fern a special find
Goldie’s Fern at Mt Toby
Hichcock Center in Amherst Fern Garden
Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary
Rusty Cliff Fern
Grape Ferns
Mountain Wood Fern
Oak Fern & a Fern Ally
Looking to August for a possible fern walk
Can you identify this fern by its fiddleheads?
Can you identify this fern by its fiddleheads?
Can you identify this fern by its fiddleheads?
Can you identify this fern by its fiddleheads?
Can you identify this fern by its fiddleheads?
May 10th event cancelled due to Covid19 restrictions
Figuring out the fiddleheads as they emerge...
First results from Chard Pond-New Fiddleheads!
Fern walks in Sunderland & Shutesbury Aug 4 & 10
check out upcoming events
Sunday June 23rd
rescheduled to next week, May 19th
Fern & Wildlflower Hike at Chard Pond Sunday May 12, 2019
PVFS announces first 2 fern walks of the season!
Mt Toby Waterfall Fern Walk
North Mountain Fern Walk this Sunday August 5
Change in date for Wet & Dry Ferns trip!
Fern walk along the Green River on Sunday July 1st
See the latest listings of a variety of fern walks for this summer on our calendar. Hope you can join us for some!
Fern & Wildlflower Hike at Chard Pond Sunday May 13, 2018
Mt Toby Tree & Winter Fern Hike Friday 11/24/17
Introduction to common ferns
Fern Walk on Sunday July 2, 2017 1-3 PM
Mt. Toby Tower Rd Fern Walk this Sunday June 11, 2017
Chard Pond Fern & Wildflower Walk May 14, 2017 2-3 PM
Change in date for Fiddlehead Walk at Mt Toby to May 7th
PVFS 2017 Season Walks & Workshops as of 2/22/17
Sundays in September Fern & Forest Walks
Schedule of PVFS Fern Walks 2016
Local non-profit begins membership drive and announces schedule